Maybe this article contains shocking images X(
....I'm George, again.
Moeri, Tomo-chan and I visited the practical room as part of
our studies today, August 2. In this room, snapping turtles
(Chelydra serpentina) were dissected for research.
This turtle is frozen. |
They were caught by Chiba Pref. because snapping turtles are
alien species (and alien predators).
This turtle has a strong jaw so they are very dangerous to us.
The weight was 4.5kg. |
The reason why that turtles were dissected is because we wanted
to know their foods, shell size, sex and age.
Cuts from the belly so it's soft. |
Then, fortunately, I was allowed to experience dissection.
"Hmm,'s NOT soft.", I said. |
It's the digestive tract, the stomach and the small intestine. |
After drawing the digestive tract from her belly,
researchers will examine stomach contents.
Cutting her a leg. |
We can know her age from her femur.
I have a lot of pictures of this dissection, but they are secret.
Because....maybe they are so dangerous for YOU!
Then, I'd like to finish my report about this dissection.
Bye :D
(Thank you for checking my English, Michelle!)